Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day 2021

May 31,

Today I was super grateful for the extra day off. I went running in the morning, Lionel and Bella went to practice soccer, we took Kika for a shower, we did yard work, we made a yummy lunch, and went to visit my parents. All before coming home, making dinner, and actually sitting outside together for a few minutes to enjoy the evening.

Sunday, May 30, 2021


 May 30,

Coffee Emporium, Farmer's Market, dog walks, weekend chores, and Bella play date with her friend.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Bella Sands Graduation

 May 26,

After 9 straight years, this week Bella graduated from Sands Montessori. Because of Covid, we could not have more than 2 people per student. So Abuelitos did not get to come.  Sofia was at school anyway. Their recognition ceremony was outdoor, and we were lucky that it did not rain. If it had rained, they would have moved it indoors and the parents would not have been able to attend. Bella was not super happy because her speech (which was really good by the way) made it to the finals but was not chosen to be read at the ceremony. And it seemed suspicious to her that the girl who won has a mom who is part of the PTO. 

Before we left, she made a quick stop to say hi to Mrs. Mitza, her favorite teacher at Sands. She was her teacher during Preschool and Kindergarten, and she truly is the best. 

After the ceremony we went out for lunch, and then I got back to work. Lionel and Bella hung out and she was generally in good spirits. I thought she might be sad, but I guess that after weeks of dreading the end of the school year she was ready to move on.

Sunday, May 23, 2021


 May 23,

Kika feeling better, walk in the trails, farmers market, coffee emporium, yard work, visit to abuelitos, the cicadas arriving, and yummy dinner by Bella.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Board games

 May 22,

To close out the day, this evening we played Bananagrams and James Bond after dinner. Bella was the champion of the night, as she won in both.

Blooms and Berries

 May 22,

Bella said that today was Mami-Bella day, and she choose to go strawberry picking. So we went. But first, we had lunch at Bronte. Unfortunately turns out that strawberry picking is only in the morning, but we still bought some strawberries from the shelf and a pie. And we enjoyed a couple of the activities at the mini festival. Bella got too close to the alpacas, and one of them took a bite out of Bella's sleeve (and a bit of her skin) but she was Ok. 

Hot and slow run

 May 22,

The weather got really hot all of the sudden, and this morning it warmed up a lot. So by the time I came back from my run, it was a steamy 78 degrees. It was a hot and slow one, but I was glad to get it done. 

Last lacrosse game

 May 21,

Today was the last lacrosse game. They lost against Sycamore, so the tournament is over for them. Sofia played a full 8 minutes though, which was a good opportunity for her. 

Creamy Whip

 May 21,

Today I picked Bella up after school and we went to Creamy Whip. It is hard to believe, but it was her last Friday at Sands.

Poor baby girl

 May 20,

My poor Kika got spayed today. I am so sad for her. 

Varsity Lacrosse

 May 18,

Today Sofia played her very first lacrosse game with the varsity team. The Junior Varsity season is over, and the coach invited her and a couple of other girls to practice with Varsity. The game was very close, but they won in overtime. Sofia only played a few minutes, but it was her first game nonetheless.


 May 17,

Wet morning walk.

Car trip

 May 16,

Sunday car drive to pick up Sofia from lacrosse.

Sunday, May 16, 2021


 May 16,

Today I had my first massage in over a year, since the pandemic started. It was definitely about time.

Coffee Emporium

 May 16,

After Lionel and I went walking on the trails, Bella and I went to Coffee Emporium for our weekly Mami-Bella time.

Ault Park Trails

 May 16,

Today, after starting in the main path, we went on a longer trail. We could  tell it was one of the less traveled ones. It was also quite hilly. Despite being 10 years old, Zoey did really well. I was very proud of her. We basically walked 2.5 miles in the trails, plus another mile on our way back home. It was a good walk.