Saturday, May 29, 2021

Bella Sands Graduation

 May 26,

After 9 straight years, this week Bella graduated from Sands Montessori. Because of Covid, we could not have more than 2 people per student. So Abuelitos did not get to come.  Sofia was at school anyway. Their recognition ceremony was outdoor, and we were lucky that it did not rain. If it had rained, they would have moved it indoors and the parents would not have been able to attend. Bella was not super happy because her speech (which was really good by the way) made it to the finals but was not chosen to be read at the ceremony. And it seemed suspicious to her that the girl who won has a mom who is part of the PTO. 

Before we left, she made a quick stop to say hi to Mrs. Mitza, her favorite teacher at Sands. She was her teacher during Preschool and Kindergarten, and she truly is the best. 

After the ceremony we went out for lunch, and then I got back to work. Lionel and Bella hung out and she was generally in good spirits. I thought she might be sad, but I guess that after weeks of dreading the end of the school year she was ready to move on.

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