Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Vail - Day 4 - Skiing, Walking, Chilling

 Dec 21,

Today we headed out with the goal of taking less breaks, or at least shorter ones than yesterday.  And we kind of, sort of made it.  We skied until noon, but then Bella said she was tired and her stomach was hurting. So Philippe and her went back to the hotel. The rest of us skied until about 1:30, but then Sofia was done. So we came back down. We had a quick lunch and came back to the hotel room. It was a late lunch but it was Ok, because today we have a late dinner as well. After that I went on a walk by myself. It is not that I didn't invite others to join, but rather that they were chilling and did not want to come. 

After the walk I came back to the room and we rested for a while so we could hang in there until dinner time. 7:45 pm is usually not that late for us to eat, but it is late when you spend the day skiing because it completely sucks the energy out of you. Not to mention that with the room being so dry and hot, we haven't slept all that well the last few nights. 

After resting for a while, and before dinner, Bella and I went to the hot tub for a little bit. Since it was later in the day it was pretty empty, which was fine by us. 

Tonight's dinner was not our favorite, at least for the girls and I, but at least the walk back was nice. 

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