Monday, July 31, 2023

Glacier National Park - Day 3 - All about the lakes

Jul 31,

Today was our last day of hiking and it did not disappoint either. We first did a 7 mile easy walk around Josephine and Grinnell's lake, which had beautiful views. When we got to Grinnell's lake Cheryl and I took our shoes off to feel the water and get a better picture, and the water was totally freezing. But the view was simply beautiful and peaceful.

After our walk we had lunch at the lodge, and drove to Logan's Pass for our afternoon hike in Hidden Lake Trailhead. That was a more challenging hike, but Cheryl and I took it head on and kept a pretty healthy pace while Carissa and Jessica took it a bit easier. But at the end we all made it to the overlook and took more amazing pictures. 

By the time we made it down the mountain it was almost 8:00pm, but it was so sunny and nice that it felt like just 6:00pm. When we finally got our signal back we checked in with our families. On one hand it was annoying not to have cell signal during the day, but on the other hand it added to the peacefulness of the experience. Nobody could reach out to us, and ask us for anything. So it was just us and our surroundings. 

After getting back to the rental apartment we took showers and ate whatever snacks we had left, watched a bit of TV, and got ready to go to bed. Tomorrow we leave Montana to go back to our regular lives, but we do it with a full heart and great memories.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Glacier National Park - Day 2 - Waterfalls!

Jul 30,

This morning we went to St Mary and Virginia Waterfalls.  It was not a long or difficult hike, at about 3 miles there and back from where the shuttle dropped us off. We then drove to take a boat ride to Baring waterfalls. I was a bit worried that maybe the boat ride would be too long and therefore get a little boring, but it was the perfect length and just beautiful all around.

By the time we got back down from the mountains it was past 6pm. We drove to a nearby town called Whitefish and had dinner there. After that we came back to the airbnb, took showers, and went to bed. Tomorrow we are getting up extra early because we have a long drive to our hike, so we need to sleep well.