Sunday, August 20, 2023

College Drop Off - Day 1 - Arriving in Denver

Aug 19,

This morning we left the house at about 7:30am to catch our flight to Denver. At the airport, while walking by the gift shops, I asked Sofia if she wanted me to buy her a stuffed lobster, to remember "home" and surprisingly she said yes. That made me happy, as I want to believe that means that in the last few weeks she has developed at least a tiny bit of affection for Boston. After all, this is where we live now and will be home during school breaks. 

When we landed in Denver we got the rental car, got lunch, checked in at the hotel, and headed to target - which was full of many other students and their parents. We got a bunch of essential stuff she will need for her dorm, and then went out for dinner. By then the weather had turned pretty stormy in some areas, and the sky looked kind of creepy. But we also saw a double rainbow and you could actually see the entire arch, which was quite special. At that moment I wanted to believe that the rainbow was smiling at us, and welcoming Sofia to Colorado with all its happy colors.

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