Sunday, September 8, 2024

Abuelita in Boston

Sep 8,

This past week I was in Cincinnati for work and on Friday I came back to Boston and brought my mom with me. It is her first time visiting since we moved here last summer. Yesterday she got to see Bella's new school and my office - at least from the outside and the main lobby. And, although not her favorite, got to participate on a small picnic organized by the Hispanic community at work. Then, this morning we took a 4 mile walk with Kika and drove to Rockport in the afternoon. Rockport is so cute and one of my favorites, and only about 1 hour drive from the house.

By the time we came back from Rockport Bella was also back from hanging out with some new classmates, so the 3 of us went to Tatte. I wanted my mom to see it since Bella and I go there often on Sunday afternoons.

To close out the day, Philippe, Monique, and the Italian cousins came for dinner. I meant to take a family photo but then got sidetracked and didn't.

My mom is here until Thursday, but it is hard to find the time to do anything  during the week. So I am glad we got some good activities in during the last couple of days.

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