Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hombres G

When I was a teenager there was a very famous pop band from Spain called "Hombres G". All the girls at school loved them, and Gabi and I were no exception to the rule. I knew all their songs - word by word - many of which talked about broken hearts and relationship drama that fit perfectly with our teenage angst.

I have been thinking about them lately because they had a song called "Nassau". It was probably one of their dumbest songs but somehow, for some strange reason, I still remember very well some of the words:

Nassau, son las ocho de la noche
Le pongo la capota, y prendo el coche


Parto un coco y por dentro esta podrido
Que hare yo aqui? Para que habre venido?


Esta maniana me ha dejado mi novia hawaiana
Y yo me pregunto
Que conio hare yo en las Bahamas

Se me jode el coche
Me deja mi novia
Me mareo cuando subo a la noria
No estoy moreno, estoy quemado
Y los mosquitos me han destrozado

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