Friday, October 14, 2011

One & Only

When Lionel and I first decided to come to the Bahamas we quickly narrowed down our options to the Atlantis and the One & Only, but debated forever before making the final decision. At last, I made the call and booked us a room at the One & Only ... A great decision, no doubt!

The place is beautiful, the lawns are perfect, and the service has been impecable so far, but above all it is peaceful, exactly what we were looking for. On top of that it doesn't hurt that every evening they deliver chocolate covered strawberries and champagne.

Lionel wanted to go see the Atlantis, so our hotel staff took us there. The place is enormous and busy, and it is safe to say that after only 15 minutes my stress level started to raise once again. But Lionel still wanted to see the place. After walking around for about an hour and a half, trying not to get lost, Lionel finally reached the same point as me, and we couldn't wait to go back to our hotel. When we did, it was like breathing fresh air again.

I think I can summarize the difference in experiences like this: The Atlantis makes you feel as one of the bunch, while the One & Only makes you feel like a king or a queen.

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