Thursday, January 12, 2012

Life and Death

Earlier today Sofia and I were driving past a cemetery when she started asking me a bunch of very difficult questions. How do you end up there? Who puts you there? Do they put you in a box or do they just dump the bones in there? And when somebody comes visit you, do they dig up the bones? Why don't they dig them up? Then what's the point? And when you die, can you come back to life again?

As usual she caught me off guard, so I struggled to barely answer couple of those questions:

How do you end up there? Hmm ... well ... you go there when ... you know .... you get very, very, very, VERY old .... and then .... well ... you are no longer alive

Do they put you in a box? Hmmm ... yes

Do they dig up the bones? No. Definitely not. People go and just sit there, to feel close to that person, but nobody digs up anything

Do you come back to life again? Well, some people believe so. Others, not so much.

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