Friday, June 1, 2012

Boonshoft Museum

Today, for my second day off, I wanted to do something different with the girls. Something we normally would not get to do even if I left work early to spend time with them. I considered taking them to a local water park for the day, but I went online and read some really mixed reviews. Besides, the weather was cold and cloudy so instead we drove to Dayton to go to a museum I had read about in one of those family magazines. The museum was a lot smaller and more plain than I had anticipated, and I was disappointed that they did not have a cafeteria since our plan was to have lunch as soon as we got there. So instead of a decent lunch we had to eat a few snacks from a vending machine. But none of that mattered to the girls. They had a good time playing at the pretend pizza place, the animal hospital, and visiting the handful of animals that live there. Seeing them happy made me feel much better. I like trying new things and getting out of the routine, but sometimes I also feel like trying new things is not worth it, since half of them end up being a disappointment.

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