Saturday, June 9, 2012

What could have been...

Yesterday afternoon I visited my pre-P&G place of employment for a baby shower. The shower was for a good friend of mine, so I really wanted to be there for him.

It's been over six years since I left, so the company has grown a lot and they even have a brand new modern building which I had never visited until yesterday. That place was good to me, much better than my first job, so I was happy to see that overall everybody is doing well. I got to see several familiar faces that seemed happy to see me after so many years, which made it a bit less weird being there. Even though switching jobs was definitely the right thing for me, being back kind of made me wonder how things would have turned out for me if I had never left. Would I have progressed just like my friends? Would I have been passed for a promotion for being a girl? Would we all still be friends?  Those were not great thoughts to have, so I am glad they quickly dissipated after I left.

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