Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bella's Birthday Party

Bella's birthday is always around Thanksgiving, so it is a bad time to have a birthday party because everybody is traveling or spending time with their families. But I did organize myself and planned the party for this weekend. Bella decided that she wanted to have her party at Recreations Outlet, so we went back one more time. I invited her friends from Sands, Goddard, our neighbors, and the kids of couple of our friends. I invited a lot of kids, but I wasn't stressed because I figured that not everybody would make it, and I preferred to have too many kids, than not having enough. After all, that place is not meant for an intimate gathering. Of course turns out that every single kid - 23 total - showed up, but that was ok. We had plenty of pizza, cake, and fun for all of them ... especially the birthday girl!

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