Friday, November 23, 2012


For at least 2 or 3 years we have needed new couches in the living room, but we have been waiting to get them for 2 important reasons: Bella, and the dog. The dog chewed a spot in one of them, and we are afraid she will do it again. And Bella is still messy, highly likely to spill something or clean her hands on it.

Tonight, as I was sitting down here, I told Lionel: "Maybe when we get rid of these old coaches we can put a piano in this corner", to which he responded: "We are never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever , ever going to get a Piano". He then added, thankfully in a lower voice so Sofia didn't hear him, "I HATE pianos".

And what did I think of that? That he had a bad attitude, that thankfully Sofia did not hear him say that and - more importantly - that we'll see about that! I am not going to rush and get one now, but if Sofia keeps up with it, I think we should keep an open mind.

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