Sunday, April 27, 2014

Garage Sale - The Aftermath

This weekend I learned, like many others have probably learned before me, that having a garage sale can be too much pain and not enough gain. However, I am still glad I did it. I got some stuff out of my house, made some people happy with their finds, and actually sat down - for the better part of 4 full hours - and read a magazine I had been meaning to read for months and months but never found the time to do so. The girls also had their own rainbow loom bracelets and used toys sale, and actually managed to make $6.

My goal in having the garage sale wasn't necessarily to make money, although that was a desirable side effect, but rather to ensure that our stuff went to a good home where it can be useful all over again. Unfortunately we had a lot of stuff left, so we ended up doing exactly what I didn't want to do in the first place: Taking it to St Vincent de Paul. I am convinced that time and time again people donate good things, but they get destroyed when they are thrown in those giant bins. So it wasn't my first choice, but I know I only did it after I tried a different way.

Hosting the garage sale was a bit of a roller coaster, from feeling excited about the prospect of decluttering the house ... to feeling exhausted getting ready for it ... to feeling worried about not enough people coming ... to feeling happy when some people did show up ... to feeling sad for those who said they could only afford used stuff ... to feeling tense watching the time left and the pile still left ... to feeling relieved that it is finally over and you will probably never try doing it again.

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