Friday, May 30, 2014

Here we go!!!

After months and months of anticipation, this afternoon marks the start of my 3 month sabbatical. As i sit here for a minute, in the gardens in front of my building, I am experiencing a whole range of emotions. I am excited to spend the summer with my girls doing summer stuff we never get to do, looking forward to not having to rush every single morning, proud of myself for having the guts to walk away from work when everything was going right, and giddy that we will get to travel to places we have never visited before. But I am also sad to have left my wonderful team, a bit scared about how my organized self will handle not having a plan for every day, and wondering where will I land when I come back.

I am also thinking about how I walk by this beautiful garden every single day, without ever stopping because I always have places to go, and meetings to attend ... Which reminds me of EXACTLY why I need and deserve to take the time off. 

So off I go...

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