Sunday, May 25, 2014


After having breakfast at a yummy and filling restaurant we had visited before, and surviving cranky spells by all three kids, we spent the day "turisteando" around downtown Chicago. We didn't make it to the giant bean at Millenium Park, but we went to the beach where the kids had fun getting wet and playing in the sand. The weather was nice then, not too hot and not too cold. We then walked to Navy Pier - which we didn't realize in previous years we could do - where we walked around and had some lunch. The girls wanted to ride the Carrousel, but the line to buy tickets was ridiculously long. We had promised Sofia that if she was nice we would go back to the American Girl Doll store, but by then Bella was tired and we were several blocks away. Instead of taking a taxi we decided to take one of those bikes, which made for a pretty pleasant ride. After the American Girl Doll store we took couple pictures in front of the cool display at the Lego store, with the Chicago skyline, and headed back to the hotel. Bella complained a little that she was tired, but ended up walking all the way. We rested for a little while and took showers before heading back out for dinner, and closed the day with frozen yogurt and a walk back to the hotel.

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