Monday, April 20, 2015

A case of the Mondays

Some days are definitely more trying than others, and today was one of those days. After having a terrible night sleep - because Lionel has a cold and Bella kept waking me up - I woke up this morning already exhausted, with a puffy phase, and puffy circles under my eyes. Sofia wasn't feeling well because she still has a cold, and wanted to stay home. But I had a meeting that I had to attend in person so I told her she had to go to school, at least for the morning, and that if she still didn't feel well later on she could go to the office, and ask them to give me a call. She asked if she could stay with Grandma and Grandpa, who are visiting, but I told her they had things to do during the day. She then asked if she could stay with Abuelita, but I reminded her that right now she can't be around Abuelita when she is sick. So alas, she agreed to go to school. 

We managed to get out of the house on time, but then got stuck behind a truck that was sweeping the street, and therefore moving very slow. I then realized that I had left my cell phone at home, but there was no time to turn around. Every minute counted if I wanted to make it to my meeting on time. 

When I dropped the girls off I reminded Sofia to have the school call her Dad instead of me if she felt sick. And I reassured her that he could then email me, and that I would come get her. Unfortunately, when we got to school we saw the before care group was playing outside, which was bad news since today wasn't particularly warm. But at least Sofia was wearing a warm sweater. Otherwise, both of us would have probably started to cry. 

I ended up making it to my meeting on time, but I spent the entire day feeling anxious, wondering if Sofia was doing well, or if she was miserable and I would be hearing from the school. So after all my meetings were done, I left as soon as I could to pick up the girls and take them home. Sofia said it was an Ok day, that she was starting to feel bad later in the day, but that at that point she had decided to just hang in there. My poor girl. What a trying, trying day.

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