Saturday, May 23, 2015

Morning run

This morning Bella woke up when I was getting ready to go running, and said that she wanted to come running with me. I wasn't sure that was a good idea, because more likely than not I would not be able to run, but I said yes anyway. The weather was nice, and I figured it would at least be good Mami-Bella time. 

We did a little bit of walking, and a little bit of sprinting, and managed to finish 2.5 miles in about 33 minutes - which I thought was great considering Bella's size. So I was very proud of her! Our run started at Beech Acres, the girls' favorite park, so after we finished I let Bella play there for a little while. It was about nine by then, so we pretty much had the park of for ourselves. It was a lovely way to start our day.

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