Sunday, September 20, 2015

Pretzel Vs Pan au chocolat

We always like to go to the farmers market in Montgomery to buy some bread. Besides the regular bread they also have chocolate croissants, pretzels, etc, and Bella always chooses the pretzel over the very French chocolate croissant. So yesterday I told her I would take a picture of her,  with the evidence in her hand, to show Lionel. She played along just fine.

Sisterly 5K

Yesterday morning, after my 5 mile run, my sister and I went to a 5K, which completed the 8 miles I was supposed to run per my training schedule. It had been a very, very, very long time since we did a 5K together, so I was super happy that she agreed to do it with me. After the 5K we picked Bella up from French class, we did some grocery shopping, and I dropped her back off at home. Before Bella and I left, the cousins spent a few minutes enjoying the swing.

Morning run

I normally run around neighborhoods, but yesterday morning I ran 5 miles in one of the Anderson paths. It has nice views because you are running seeing green all around, but it was definitely not an easy run. It is very hilly, so it was a good workout.

Taylor Swift Concert!!

On Thursday night we took the girls to the Taylor Swift concert, which we had kept as a surprise until the night before. The girls were really excited, even though the concert also involved a 2 hour drive each way. We had thought about going to the concert at some point, and making it a girls night out with my sister and my mom, but the ticket prices were crazy expensive, so we gave up. But as it turns out, Lionel was offered tickets through work - totally random - and he was able to take both girls. Since I was the only one staying behind, we then bought a ticket for me. And since their tickets were box tickets, they were able to sneak me in so we could all sit together. We had a really great time. 

Bella Mami time

Wednesday evening Bella and I stayed at the house while Lionel took Sofia to swim practice. She decided that we would spend our time together doing chalk, so we did. And she also decided that we should draw the family, so we also did. We had a very artistic evening.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Father daughter dance

On Saturday night we went to a charity dinner, and the was a band playing jazz. Bella really wanted Lionel to dance with her, so they did. It was great to see her having a good time with him, because one day she will probably refuse to dance with dad.

Day of sports

Saturday morning was all about sports for me. I ran 12 miles as part of my training for the Queen Bee marathon, and then pushed for a 30 minute tennis class. It had been a while since I even touched my tennis racket, so it felt good to be back for a little while.

And the winner is...

Earlier this week Bella drew a chalk podium in the driveway, and she said that I was the one at the top, getting my medal because I won the race!

Monday, September 7, 2015


The bad thing about road trips is that we temporarily become very good McDonalds customers. It is pretty inevitable. You have to eat and drink, and use the facilities. The "detox" days will come later.

Random morning

The other day I took a picture of the girls walking side by side when I dropped them off at school. There wasn't anything special about that particular day. But the weather was nice, and we were not rushing as much as usual, and I guess it felt like the kind of mornings I want to remember.


Sometimes, despite all the wonderful things around her, and despite all my best efforts, Sofia is just plain unhappy. She sees conflicts where there are none. She gets afraid of things that should generate no fear. She talks to her sister as if she was her worst enemy ... And when that happens, I feel like somebody punched me in the stomach. And a deep level of sadness emerges from the fact that I feel so powerless. And I keep trying. I keep trying to help her see the good. But it is exhausting. And more often than not it is also pointless. Because no matter how hard you try, and no matter whether it is your parents, your very own child, or any other loved one, happiness ultimate comes from within. It is a choice. You can choose to see the negative, and let it drag you down. Or you can choose the positive and let it pick you up.

I will keep trying, because I love her and that is what moms do. We always keep trying. But for the love of God she needs to help me out.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Atlanta Day 2 - Around Town

Today started as a lazy day, with the girls watching TV and me catching up on some of the stuff in my personal TODO list that had been accumulating ...  like buying new running shoes, buying the girls new lunch boxes, checking a jewelry catalog I never get to see, etc. Then, in the afternoon, Elizabeth and I took the girls to the mall. They really wanted to do the American Girl Doll cafe, so we figured we'd do it once. The girls took their dolls and everything, and Elizabeth and I were happy - or relieved might be more appropriate - that the cafe wasn't particularly overpriced and that the food was pretty good. While we were at the mall Lionel and Chris went out for lunch on their own.

After the mall we went back to their house, and Bella and I took a nap. She was really resisting the nap, but I could tell she needed it because she was getting emotional and kept rubbing her eyes. We read for a little bit and then fell asleep. After the nap the girls played in the hot tub, we had dinner, and closed out the day with a movie and s'mores. 

Atlanta Day 1 - Lake Lanier

This weekend we came to Atlanta to visit our friends Chris and Elizabeth, who just moved here a couple of months ago. Cincinnati to Atlanta is about an 8 hour drive, and we left work early on Friday so we could drive the entire way and not get here too late. That way we could have the entire weekend to enjoy our visit, and drive back Monday - since it is a holiday. 

For Saturday our friends suggested going to Lake Lanier, only about 30 minutes from their house. I like being around water, and since work has been so hectic I thought that being close to nature would be a good thing. Besides, the main goal was just to visit them, so I didn't want to overthink our activities. 

This was their first time going there as well, and as it turns out it was a great choice. Besides the beach area they also had a water park, and the girls enjoyed all the rides - which was daddy time - while Elizabeth and I sat in the shade, with all our stuff, and used that time to catch up.

Eventually it was time to leave, so we went back to their house for some rest and to take showers. And to close out the day we went to a local BBQ place our friends discovered while shopping for a house. 

It was a really good day.