Sunday, September 6, 2015

Atlanta Day 1 - Lake Lanier

This weekend we came to Atlanta to visit our friends Chris and Elizabeth, who just moved here a couple of months ago. Cincinnati to Atlanta is about an 8 hour drive, and we left work early on Friday so we could drive the entire way and not get here too late. That way we could have the entire weekend to enjoy our visit, and drive back Monday - since it is a holiday. 

For Saturday our friends suggested going to Lake Lanier, only about 30 minutes from their house. I like being around water, and since work has been so hectic I thought that being close to nature would be a good thing. Besides, the main goal was just to visit them, so I didn't want to overthink our activities. 

This was their first time going there as well, and as it turns out it was a great choice. Besides the beach area they also had a water park, and the girls enjoyed all the rides - which was daddy time - while Elizabeth and I sat in the shade, with all our stuff, and used that time to catch up.

Eventually it was time to leave, so we went back to their house for some rest and to take showers. And to close out the day we went to a local BBQ place our friends discovered while shopping for a house. 

It was a really good day.

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