Sunday, September 6, 2015

Atlanta Day 2 - Around Town

Today started as a lazy day, with the girls watching TV and me catching up on some of the stuff in my personal TODO list that had been accumulating ...  like buying new running shoes, buying the girls new lunch boxes, checking a jewelry catalog I never get to see, etc. Then, in the afternoon, Elizabeth and I took the girls to the mall. They really wanted to do the American Girl Doll cafe, so we figured we'd do it once. The girls took their dolls and everything, and Elizabeth and I were happy - or relieved might be more appropriate - that the cafe wasn't particularly overpriced and that the food was pretty good. While we were at the mall Lionel and Chris went out for lunch on their own.

After the mall we went back to their house, and Bella and I took a nap. She was really resisting the nap, but I could tell she needed it because she was getting emotional and kept rubbing her eyes. We read for a little bit and then fell asleep. After the nap the girls played in the hot tub, we had dinner, and closed out the day with a movie and s'mores. 

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