Sunday, January 3, 2016

Christmas Break Day 14 - Squeezing it all in

This morning Sofia had a swim meet ... which required us to be there by 6:50am! Getting up that early was tough. It would have been tough anyway, but it was even worse because last night I barely slept. Between Bella waking me up, and the dog barking on and off, I barely got any rest. After the meet we came back home for Sofia to take a shower, and then went to Panera for lunch. 

Then, in the afternoon, I was finally able to remove the earrings Bella had on since she has a baby - something that was long overdue. The earrings were "stuck", so I literally had to cut them with some small jewelry scissors I bought at Michaels. Bella was a little scared when I told her we were cutting them off, but was excited when they were gone. Of course now she is talking about how often she is going to be changing them, which is not exactly what I had in mind.

We were at home the rest of the afternoon with me doing chores, the kids playing around with their friends, and Lionel bouncing back between the football game and the computer. When it was time to take a shower Bella asked if she could take a bath instead, so she did. I am pretty sure she has enjoyed that bathtub way more than either Lionel or I have. Lionel put a little bit too much bubble bath soap, which he didn't realize until it was too late. Bella had fun with it though, playing and making shapes with the bubbles while Sofia was helping me prepare dinner.

By now the girls are in bed, and I will be right behind them. We all wish it was not the case, but tomorrow is back to reality.

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