Monday, September 5, 2016

Nashville Day 2

Sep 4,

Today was a great day. We woke up early and Lionel, Miguel, and I went running outside. It was already hot, so it wasn't an easy run, but I pushed for 5 miles. After that we took showers and went out for brunch to a cute place with a retro style. It appears the place is located right next to Dolly Parton's studio, so we walked there but you couldn't see much. The kids got on the ground, since there was a crack between the door and the floor, and we took a picture so we (jokingly) could remember the kids "visiting" the studio. We then walked around the neighborhood, ate some Paletas (popsicles) and went to a park for a few minutes. Then, on our way back to the car, we bought some yummy peaches. 

After our walk we went back to our friends' house so the kids could rest for a little while, and then went back out to check out a hotel/convention center that is one of the attractions around here. There was plenty of space for the kids to run around, and some shops of their interest, so they had a good time. 

When we came back home we rested, watched some TV, and attended a show the kids put together for us.  Sofia and Alex played instruments while Bella sang a few songs. After the show we went outside, because they had also prepared an obstacle course for us. Kate and I were in one team, and Lionel and Miguel in the other. They ended up winning, but we didn't care. The kids worked hard preparing for all of it, so I was happy to participate.

To close out the day the adults went out for dinner, and the kids stayed home with a babysitter. I wasn't so sure that Sofia would go for that, but she was happy to stay and be the co-babysitter under the promise of a few dollars in payment. She is currently very focused on saving as much money as possible for Christmas, so that was an easy sell. And they had fun staying here, eating pizza, and playing some games. 

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