Monday, September 5, 2016

Race ... And Sparky

Aug 13,

Today, after my group run in the morning, I took the girls with me to a fundraiser 2 mile race. It was hot outside, but the girls were in good spirits. We knew there would be activities for the kids, so they were looking forward to it. They did a great job running, especially Sofia. After that they went to the playground, and Bella did face painting and the inflatables. Sofia, in the meantime, wandered towards the area were they had pets up for adoption and fell in love with a little dog named Sparky. She really wanted to bring him home, and begged Lionel on the phone, but he said no. So she cried and cried, and begged me some more. And even cried all the way home. She was so sad, poor thing. But eventually calmed down, and later in the afternoon was in good spirits again. 

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