Sunday, October 2, 2016

Back to life

Oct 2,

This past Monday I felt like I was coming down with something, and tried to go the extra mile taking care of myself the whole week. But by Thursday afternoon I was feeling awful, and it was clear that whatever I was getting was not going to let me walk away that easily. I struggled to finish the day, and by the time I picked the girls up I just wanted to get home as soon as possible. I must have looked as bad as I felt, because Sofia even told me that I should go to bed early. 

It all went downhill from there. Friday I was able to work from home, but I couldn't really take the day off because I had so much to do. So I managed to hang in there, working sitting on the couch, but by the end of the day I again just wanted to crawl into a ball and do nothing. I went to bed and still felt so bad that Saturday morning I actually stayed in bed until almost noon. Noon! I woke up before that, and in fact Sofia brought me breakfast in bed, but I fell back asleep. At noon I finally got up to take a shower and eat lunch, but I spent the rest of the afternoon sitting around once again. I basically did not go anywhere all day. 

Today I finally turned a corner though. I came back to life. I woke up still tired, and with a mild headache, but feeling a million times better than yesterday. I was glad to have another day to recuperate before going back to work. And Bella, who had also been worried about me all weekend, brought me breakfast in bed. In fact, she even fought with Sofia to get her turn. 

My poor girls had such a worried look on their faces looking at me sitting on the couch, covered with my blanket, with no energy to do anything for almost 3 days, that I was happy to feel better today for me, for them, and for Lionel. 

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