Sunday, January 1, 2017

Christmas Vacation - Day 11 - Chilling and New Years Eve Party

Dec 31,

Today, after my run, I took it easy the rest of the morning. And so did the rest of the family. I was cleaning all the pictures on my phone, so I could go back it up, which took forever. In the meantime the girls were hanging out and Lionel was helping Mark, our handyman, change a few light fixtures around the house. Then, in the afternoon, Sofia and I went to the apple store to fix a couple of issues on our phones. That store is always super crowded and loud, and I swear it literally gives me a headache. But it had to be done I guess.

On our way back we stopped by Trader Joe to get desserts for a New Years Eve party at our friends' house, and since we were there we also ended up also buying our food for the week. That way we could just chill the last two days of our break.

When we finally got home I took a short nap, because there is no way I would make it through the rest of the day and the party without it. After that we got dressed and ready to go. Since the party included kids (we wouldn't have gone otherwise) I thought we would be back home before midnight for sure. But nope! Everybody hung in there, and in fact the kids still had plenty of energy until we left, a bit after midnight.

When we got home I still took a couple of pictures with the Happy New Year headbands we've had like forever, and that was it for 2016. After the pictures everybody finally went to bed.

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