Monday, May 28, 2018

Good bye Herschel

May 28,

Tomorrow Gabi and Raj turn in the keys to their house, so today we went to say good bye. We all made many memories there, and on one hand it is sad that they are moving on. But on the other hand we know that even in the distance we will always be together and a house is just a house. We are thankful for all the memories from here, and look forward to the ones in their new city and house.

A girl and her dog

May 28,

Sofia loves Zoey. No one should ever doubt that.

The pool is open

May 28,

The pool opened this weekend, and the girls couldn't wait to go. Sofia actually went to the Mt Lookout swim club, with a friend who invited her over, and I took Bella to our neighborhood pool. She happily ran around and played with other kids while I happily sat in the shade and tried to take a nap. It is great when your kids become good swimmers, and there are lifeguards around. I didn't quite manage to take my nap, but did sit and relax for a little bit. I saw some people we know, and part of me felt like I should get up and say hi, but the other part of me (the one that won) just wanted to sit there and not have to do or say anything for a while.

Dinner and Yagoot

May 26,

Tonight Gabi and I took my mom out for dinner - a rain check from mother's day - and after that met the rest of the family (minus my dad) to eat some Yagoot. It was a great evening weather wise, and of course it was even better in great company.

6 miles

May 26,

What doesn't melt you makes you stronger, and today we got stronger running 6 miles in another hot humid morning.

First day off

May 25,

Today was the girls' first day off, and it was kind of boring. I had to work, and had tons to do, so I worked all day while they found their own fun. I did take a break to eat, and we went to Panera, but other than that I had my nose on the computer until the end of the day. Things at least did get better when I finally finished working. We  went to Creamy Whip,  to piano class, and to Target to get the girls a gift because both of them got excellent grades for the year. Bella had it easy this year, but Sofia has a super hard worker.

Last day of school

May 24,

Today was the last day of school, the last day for the boys at Sands,  and 99% likely also Bella's last day there. Instead of classes Bella had a day trip to Stanberry Park, and she really really wanted me to be a chaperone. But I could not because of work. She normally doesn't make a big deal about those things, so when she asked me about it a few times I knew she really wanted me to be there. Since I couldn't be there during the day, I at least wanted to get there at the very end. So by 1:30 I rushed out of work to meet them before they walked back to the school. Bella was very happy to see me, and I was happy to be part of her day even if only for a little bit.

At the end of the day we took a few pictures in front of the school, and on our way back home we stopped by Graeter's. We actually wanted to go to our usual place, but it was really crowded. And since it was a day to celebrate the end of a cycle, the girls really wanted ice cream.

Stars 30 Club

May 24,

Bella had  good behavior throughout the year during her physical education class, and made the "Stars 30 Club" by the end of the year. But she thought that came with other perks. So she was disappointed when all she got was a paper certificate. Apparently that, plus the personal satisfaction, were not motivational enough.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Pushing up Vs Pulling Up

Mar 20,

A lady I know from work, who is a lot older than me, posted today about her daughter who just graduated from a very good college, is going straight to a masters degree in the UK with a full scholarship, and is coming back from that to study a PhD, also with a full ride, to one of the top schools in the country. She wasn't bragging. She was a proud parent happy for all the opportunities her daughter has ahead of her. 

This lady also has a lower level than me at work, and will likely never get promoted again. So seeing her post about her daughter reminded me that I do not need to make it to the top to be able to support my kids and get them to wherever they want to be. I can certainly pull them up if I myself make it to the top. But if not, I can also push them up from exactly where I am right now.

Planning on paper

May 20,

Instead of playing a guessing game or moving furniture around once we get to the new house, I have already planned ahead to know exactly what fits and where. I took measurements of the rooms, our current furniture, and have everything planned on paper. That is why I know what we can bring with us and what is going to have to find a new home.

For sale

May 20,

As the new house will be smaller than our current house, this weekend we started to sell or give away some of our current furniture. The first ones to go were some bookshelves we had in the basement, the spinning bike, and a dresser from the guest room. We have more to go, but it is not a bad start.

Good bye party

May 19,

The time is getting closer for Gabi and Raj to move, and tonight they had a good bye party with some of our friends. It still doesn't feel like it is really happening, but it it will happen for sure in a couple of weeks and we will all have to adjust to a new routine.

First 5K and Gymnastics Class

May 18,

This week's memories were from 2 firsts. The one is from 6 years ago, from my very first 5k ever, and the other one from 4 years ago, from the girls very first gymnastics class. Gabi and I do not look that different, just a little older, but the girls have definitely grown a lot.

Sunday, May 13, 2018