Monday, May 28, 2018

Last day of school

May 24,

Today was the last day of school, the last day for the boys at Sands,  and 99% likely also Bella's last day there. Instead of classes Bella had a day trip to Stanberry Park, and she really really wanted me to be a chaperone. But I could not because of work. She normally doesn't make a big deal about those things, so when she asked me about it a few times I knew she really wanted me to be there. Since I couldn't be there during the day, I at least wanted to get there at the very end. So by 1:30 I rushed out of work to meet them before they walked back to the school. Bella was very happy to see me, and I was happy to be part of her day even if only for a little bit.

At the end of the day we took a few pictures in front of the school, and on our way back home we stopped by Graeter's. We actually wanted to go to our usual place, but it was really crowded. And since it was a day to celebrate the end of a cycle, the girls really wanted ice cream.

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