Sunday, May 20, 2018

Pushing up Vs Pulling Up

Mar 20,

A lady I know from work, who is a lot older than me, posted today about her daughter who just graduated from a very good college, is going straight to a masters degree in the UK with a full scholarship, and is coming back from that to study a PhD, also with a full ride, to one of the top schools in the country. She wasn't bragging. She was a proud parent happy for all the opportunities her daughter has ahead of her. 

This lady also has a lower level than me at work, and will likely never get promoted again. So seeing her post about her daughter reminded me that I do not need to make it to the top to be able to support my kids and get them to wherever they want to be. I can certainly pull them up if I myself make it to the top. But if not, I can also push them up from exactly where I am right now.

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