Sunday, November 18, 2018

Busy Sunday

Nov 18,

Today was my kind of day, very productive from beginning to end. It was relatively warm, especially given how cold it got in the last few days , and it was sunny as well. 

In the morning we walked to Coffee Emporium - Sofia was excited that for once they wrote her name correctly - and walked an extra loop on our way back to the house. Lionel and I then spent about 3 hours (maybe even 4) picking up leaves from the yard. It was a lot of work, but with the nice and sunny weather I didn't even mind. I wanted to be outside. And even though this house has a lot more yard work than the last one, I am so much happier in here. There are a lot more walking and running routes, and no clicky neighbors to avoid.

After a late and quick lunch, and getting food ready for the week, we finally had some relaxation time and went to a movie. All four of us. It was nice.

Bella's Birthday Party!

Nov 17,

Today was Bella's Birthday Party with her friends, and she was really excited about it. She even woke up early because of the anticipation, and was all smiles all day long. We went back to Recreations Outlet, where we have celebrated her birthday before, so I was hoping her and the other kids would not be bored with the repeat. But they had a great time running around, and chasing each other up and down. 

Bella chose a soccer-themed birthday cake, and even though they didn't have girl figurines - which is total BS - we chose some colors that showed her sunny personality.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Out with the old

Nov 16,

This week the old beams, ceiling, and shelves came out. One week down, 3-5 more to go.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


Nov 11,

Tomorrow we start some work in the living room, so today we emptied it and piled up all the furniture between the office and the dinning room. It is supposed to take between 4 and 6 weeks (hopefully closer to 4), but in the meantime we will manage with the mess.  

Sunday walk

Nov 11,

This morning Lionel and I bundled up and took Zoey for a long walk. It was a cold but pretty morning, and it was nice not to be in a hurry for once.

80's/90's Party

Nov 10,

Today Lionel and I went to an 80's/90's themed party. The girls were kind of embarrassed with out outfits, but Bella still wanted to be part of the picture.


Nov 10,

Leaves, leaves, and more leaves. Last weekend we picked up all all the leaves from the front of the house, and today it looked like this. 

Cold run

Nov 10,

This morning it was freezing cold, but I still went running outside. I just made sure I was all bundled up. Although it was cold it was also sunny, and I didn't want to miss out on the only day I get to run outside.

Tooth Fairy

Nov 6,

It had been a while since she did, but Bella lost another tooth this week. She was excited to get some money for it, and also that this time around she gave it the final pull all by herself. 

Lunch with Abuelito

Nov 6,

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Yard work

Nov 4,

The weather today was great - totally and unseasonably warm. It was so nice that I definitely wanted to spend time outside. I spent about 90 minutes doing yard work, removing all the fallen leaves from the front yard. I am sure there will be leaves all over again by tomorrow, but for now the yard is looking really nice. And I definitely enjoyed my time outside.

Saturday, November 3, 2018


Nov 3,


Nov 2,

Today I voted, which I was pretty happy about. It was important to make my voice be heard.

Halloween 2018

Oct 31,

This was our first Halloween in the new house. Bella was ready since the morning, and wore a "spooky" shirt she got at a birthday party a couple of weeks ago. 

I left work early to pick her up straight from school, and we went to Michaels to get a couple of things for my watermelon shirt. The girls both had red costumes, and I thought it would be fun if I was dressed in red too. It was supposed to rain, but the girls were committed to get out there - and they did. And at least it was a mild night. Not warm, but not particularly cold either. They were all wet when they came back, but they were happy as well. They had fun, and got plenty of candy - although not sure how much of it Sofia will be able to eat with the braces.