Saturday, November 3, 2018

Halloween 2018

Oct 31,

This was our first Halloween in the new house. Bella was ready since the morning, and wore a "spooky" shirt she got at a birthday party a couple of weeks ago. 

I left work early to pick her up straight from school, and we went to Michaels to get a couple of things for my watermelon shirt. The girls both had red costumes, and I thought it would be fun if I was dressed in red too. It was supposed to rain, but the girls were committed to get out there - and they did. And at least it was a mild night. Not warm, but not particularly cold either. They were all wet when they came back, but they were happy as well. They had fun, and got plenty of candy - although not sure how much of it Sofia will be able to eat with the braces.

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