Sunday, June 23, 2019

Girls with Grit

Jun 23,

Bella agreed to sign up for a Track and Field camp because the little sister of one of Sofia's friend wanted to do it as well. The camp was from 9-3 on Friday, from 1-5 yesterday, and from 1-5 today. Today they were supposed to do some dance routine that they practiced yesterday, and Bella wanted no part of it. So she did not want to go. She said she did not feel all that great, which I did not fully believe because I could tell there was another reason for her not wanting to do. We had a little chat, and at the end she went - and was glad she did. I mean, come on. The camp was called "Girls with Grit"! I was not about to let her fail to show commitment or grit until the very end.

Working hard on the front yard

Jun 23,

Today Lionel and I worked very hard on the front yard. We trimmed the trees, pulled a million weeds, and put mulch down. It looks really good. And now that the patio is finally done, and we finished the white chairs, the entire place looks really inviting. Too bad that the rain came back this afternoon, and with the weather not cooperating we are still unable to enjoy the space.

FC Game

Jun 23,

Tonight we went to the FC game, and got super lucky with the weather. It has been raining non-stop for days, but tonight the rain stopped and the sun came out. Unfortunately they lost, but sitting there in that lovely weather was a total win for us. 

Counting by 7s

Jun 22,

Bella and I just finished reading this book. We liked it a lot. It made us sad a few times, but mostly made us laugh.

Happy Birthday Tia!

Jun 20,

Happy Birthday to Tia. We are not telling how old she is turning this year, but we wish her a very happy day.

Father's Day 2019

Jun 16,

Well, we forgot to take pictures of Lionel with the girls, but at least we did snap a couple with Abuelito and Grandpa who, to everybody's surprise, actually spent time in the kitchen with Bella while she made a chocolate dessert.

Ice Cream

Jun 14,

Bella was with Abuelitos today, but Sofia and I kept the tradition alive with our visit to Creamy Whip ... and a bad selfie.

Fortune Cookie

Jun 14,

I sure hope so fortune cookie. I sure hope so.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Europe - Day 18 - Heading home

Jun 11,

Much to Bella’s delight, since the last few days she has been eager to go back home, we are heading there today. We made it to the airport, past security, had breakfast, and now are waiting at the gate. We will all be happy to be home, but the girls have it easier. They are just starting their summer break, but Lionel and I have to go back to work tomorrow and that won’t be as easy.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Europe - Day 17 - Tulips Museum

Jun 10,

After the Anne Frank museum Bella wanted to go to the Tulips Museum, but Lionel and Sofia did not. So we split into two groups. I went into the museum with Bella, and Lionel and Sofia went to walk around. 

We learned that Tulips are not actually from Holland originally. They are from the high mountains in central  Asia. They were introduced to the West via Turkey, and it was in the 16th century that Holland fell in love with them.

Europe - Day 17 - Anne Frank Museum

Jun 10,

We could not close our visit to Amsterdam without going to the Anne Frank Museum. A sad but very important reminder of the horrors of WWII. No photography allowed inside either, so we just took a couple of pictures on our way in and out. 

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Europe - Day 16 - Evening Boat Ride

Jun 9,

Europe - Escaleras

Jun 9,

Many buildings in Europe have narrow stairs, but Netherlands definitely takes it to the extreme. They are narrow, the steps are definitely not deep enough, and they are crazy steep. There is no way they are able to bring any furniture up that way, so they bring it through the windows. We got to see it first hand today as we were walking around. Of course for us the challenge is simply to carefully go up and down so we don't wipe out.

Europe - Toilet Paper

Jun 9,

In my humble opinion toilet paper in Europe is pretty terrible, but I finally found one I like - at least for the pretty design. 

Europe - Day 16 - Pancakes, Van Gogh Musem, and Sunshine!

Jun 9,

This morning we went to Amsterdam Pancakes for breakfast, on our way to the Van Gogh Museum. Pancakes around here are larger but flatter, and they seem less filling - or should I say less heavy? Sofia was messing with her hair as usual, and looked like a total hippie. But at least she was having a good time.

I was really looking forward to the Van Gogh museum. It was crowded, but we still had a chance to see the paintings up close. Unfortunately Starry night is not there (it is in NYC), but we saw the Sunflowers, the Yellow Room, the Almond Blossom, and many others. I really enjoyed our time there. Photography of the actual paintings was not allowed, so we only have a couple of pictures from our visit.

The sun finally came out today, and it wasn't cold or windy like yesterday, so after the museum we walked around for a while. Seems like everybody was out today as well, walking up and down the shopping streets. While those streets were crowded, it was a bit of a leisure walk because we didn't have to worry (for a change) about some bike running us over. Bike riders around here definitely do not mess around, so you have to constantly be on your toes.