Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Europe - Day 12 - Brugge, Belgium

Jun 5,

Today we are in Brugge, also known as Bruges (in English) and Brujas (in Spanish). It is a canal-based city that sometimes is also referred to as "The Venice of the North".  It appears the name doesn't really have anything to do with witches though. Somehow the name is a variation of the word "bridge".

It was supposed to rain in the afternoon, so we went out walking between 10:30 or so and 3:00 pm. Poor Bella wasn't feeling great, but she didn't want to hold us back. To give her a break, both Lionel and I gave her piggy back rides a couple of times. Luckily during the walk she perked up a little, and enjoyed walking in and out of a bunch of stores.

When we were almost back at the rental house it started to rain, but then the rain stopped and it hasn't rained the rest of the afternoon. We have been chilling out at the house, and watched a movie on Netflix, but are going out for dinner soon. I hope the rain still holds until we are back.

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