Saturday, February 29, 2020


Feb 29,

Both my orchids are finally blooming again.

Cooking Club

Feb 27,

Bella smiling from ear to ear, looking forward to her very first Cooking Club class.

The cone

Feb 24,

Zoey has been licking her leg again, so today I had to take her back to the vet. Four medicines, a cone, and a bunch of money later, we finally went back home.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Tamales 2020

Feb 22,

We worked our butts off for pretty much 12 straight hours, but the tradition continues, with the next generation also contributing. Zoey did nothing, but she was still tired.


Feb 22,

This morning, for the first time in my 8 or so years or running, I fell for the first time. I didn't see a crack on the sidewalk so at around mile 4 one my feet got stuck and I fell. Hard. I saw a lot of people running, but sadly when I fell there was nobody around. I stayed on the ground for a couple of seconds but then I got up. I could tell my knee and my hand were scratched, and they hurt, so I was trying to decide what to do. I was limping a bit, but I knew Lionel was in physical therapy and could not come get me then. So I decided to see if I could run. As it turns out, I could. So I kept running and finished my 8 mile run. I knew the next day will be rough, but it would be rough even if I had not run.

Falling was not fun, but getting up and continuing to run was quite the symbolic moment because such is life.


Feb 21,

Today I saw this at the store and, of course, I had to buy it to try it.

Bella's Recipes

Feb 21,

This week Bella made Naan, an apple pie that she asked us to judge as if she was in Top Chef Junior, and for breakfast on Friday morning she made me avocado toast.


Feb 18,

Since Bella was not at school for Valentine's Day, when she came back she got to see the Valentines her classmates gave her. Both Owen and Josiah are fans. The Yoda one was really cute too.

Vail - Day 6 - Good Bye!

Feb 17,

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Vail - Day 5 - Night walk

Feb 16,

Vail - Day 5 - Powder

Feb 16,

Today it snowed ... a lot ... all day long. That could only mean two things for our last day of skiing: 1) Cold faces (as the snow would hit our faces constantly) and powder. For experienced skiers powder  (lots of fluffy snow) is the best thing ever. A total dream. But for not so experienced skiers it can be a bit of a nightmare. It makes skiing way more challenging. 

I knew that given the conditions  (and the fact that it was the fourth day of skiing) the girls would not last all day long. And I wasn't sure I wanted to ski until 4:00 pm in that either. But they actually gave up way earlier than I expected. By 12:30 the three of us were already back down having lunch while the rest kept skiing. After that they had no intention to put the skis back on, so we went and returned them. We certainly could have gotten more skiing done today, but at least we spent some time together - just the three of us. 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Vail - Day 4 - Together

Feb 15,

This evening Isabel and Cesca came up to have dinner with us and see the girls. They all had a great time catching up and talking - like in the good old times. My heart is always full when they manage to come back together, even if it is only for a little while.

Vail - Day 4 - A full day of skiing

Feb 15,

Today was a full day of skiing. Even though Sofia was still complaining about her foot, she decided to go ahead and ski with us. She was getting kind of whiny by lunch time, but then decided to stay and ended up skiing until 2 pm. The rest of us then skied a little longer and came back to the apartment at 3:30 pm. After all these years I still do not know my way around the mountain all that well (or not much at all), but I do know that we went all over the place and skied several black diamonds. That gave Sofia some confidence, which probably helped her finish the day.

After we came back to the apartment the girls and I went to get some hot chocolate, and went again to the little store that sells knick-knacks. There Bella bought herself a stuffed dog that snores. She was very happy with it. We had been joking that we would buy Sofia a stuffed dog so she doesn't miss Zoey as much as she does, so from that standpoint the little dog was kind of perfect.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Vail - Day 3 - Sunny!

Feb 14,

Today was a beautiful day in the mountain. It was sunny, and definitely warmer than yesterday.  Bella finally slept well last night, and even though Sofia didn't she also got ready to go. So I was feeling hopeful and ready for the day. I even took a selfie giving thumbs up. 

Visibility was so much better, and it wasn't particularly crowded, so we went all over the place. Sofia's foot was hurting though, so we took a somewhat early lunch. After that, grandpa and Sofia came back to the apartment and the rest of us kept skiing until about 3:00 pm. By then my legs were tired, and the mountain closes at 4:00 anyway, so we started to make our way back down.

When we got back to the apartment Sofia wanted to go get a hot chocolate, so she and I did. On the way there we ran into my work buddy Paul, who is also here for a few days. I knew he would be here, but with so many people we didn't know if we would run into each other. We took a quick picture and we went our own way. After the hot chocolate we also went into this little store we always go into. They sell food and a bunch of curiosities. Sofia got a kick out of some socks that said "Go away, I am introverting", because that clearly sounds like her. But we got a Vail hat instead.