Thursday, February 13, 2020

Vail - Day 2 - Two is better than nothing

Feb 13,

Today we got up, got ready, and headed for the slopes. It was cloudy, so visibility wasn't the best. But also not the worst we have seen. Everybody was a little tired, since we didn't sleep the best last night, but for the most part we started in good spirits. Unfortunately that didn't last, and two hours later Bella started to complain that her stomach was hurting, that she did not feel well, and that she needed to go back to the apartment asap. Sofia also started getting frustrated, tired, and worrying about the school work she will be missing during the trip. Her hands were also getting cold as her gloves were not the best. On top of that, we lost track of grandpa - which has never happened before. So  the remaining 5 of us (Lionel, Sofia, Bella, Emma, and me) took a lift all the way down. We went back to the apartment and I stayed with the girls while Lionel and Emma went to meet up with grandpa and continued skiing.  Lionel offered to stay, but this is more of his sport than mine. And that would have been like me missing the beach while he stayed there. 

The girls and I took a 2 hour nap and when we woke up we went out for a late lunch. With tired kids, skipping lunch and waiting for dinner did not seem like the best choice. On our way back we also got Sofia some new mittens, went into a couple of gifts shops, and went to the store to buy some gluten-free breakfast food for Bella. 

By the time we got back Lionel, grandpa and Emma were also back. I wanted to go walk around the town and invited Emma to come with me while Bella did some coloring, Sofia did some homework, and Lionel and grandpa relaxed. It is such a cute little town that I always like to take a walk. And I figured she would like to see it.

After taking showers it was dinner time. Bella was particularly excited because she really liked what she ate at that restaurant before, but at that point Sofia was just barely surviving the day. So after heading back it was time to brush teeth, put pajamas on, and call it a day.

Let's hope that tomorrow everybody can keep it together.

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