Friday, February 14, 2020

Vail - Day 3 - Sunny!

Feb 14,

Today was a beautiful day in the mountain. It was sunny, and definitely warmer than yesterday.  Bella finally slept well last night, and even though Sofia didn't she also got ready to go. So I was feeling hopeful and ready for the day. I even took a selfie giving thumbs up. 

Visibility was so much better, and it wasn't particularly crowded, so we went all over the place. Sofia's foot was hurting though, so we took a somewhat early lunch. After that, grandpa and Sofia came back to the apartment and the rest of us kept skiing until about 3:00 pm. By then my legs were tired, and the mountain closes at 4:00 anyway, so we started to make our way back down.

When we got back to the apartment Sofia wanted to go get a hot chocolate, so she and I did. On the way there we ran into my work buddy Paul, who is also here for a few days. I knew he would be here, but with so many people we didn't know if we would run into each other. We took a quick picture and we went our own way. After the hot chocolate we also went into this little store we always go into. They sell food and a bunch of curiosities. Sofia got a kick out of some socks that said "Go away, I am introverting", because that clearly sounds like her. But we got a Vail hat instead.

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