Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020

May 25,

Having the extra day off today tasted like a slice of heaven.

We ran. We ate lunch on the deck. We did FaceTime with Emma. We planned the meals for the week and went grocery shopping. We played tennis.  I even had alone time and started reading a book I bought forever ago. Bella and I spent a few minutes on the hammock, and we did our family walk.

For our run Bella insisted that we wore matching tops, which were complimented by runners and bikers alike. We ran-walked, but the girls still struggled.  Sofia was cranky about it, but cheered up once we got home and she started playing with Zoey. 

It warmed up very quickly, but we had lunch on the deck. All the trees that surround it make a nice canopy over it. 

In the late afternoon, after I prepped dinner, the girls and I played a little tennis. And when they went inside I read for a little bit. Good old Zoey stayed close to me, chilling, sleeping on the grass.

For our final outdoor activity of the day we took a 30 minute walk after dinner. It was not as hot and humid anymore, and with a lot less people out and about it was also quite peaceful.

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