Saturday, May 16, 2020

Work and Rest

May 16,

Today was a mix of hard work and relaxation. In the morning I went running 6.5 miles. It was supposed to be raining on and off, but since I normally can't run during the week I went for it. I managed to get 4 miles in before it started pouring, so I came back home soaking wet. We then spent the better part of 4 hours working on my desk. I bought it online last weekend and the good news is that it came very fast. The not so good news is that it came in a million pieces and we had to put it together. That was hard work, but it looks really nice. And come to think of it, this is the first time ever that I have a dedicated desk, just for me, at home.

In the evening it stopped raining and the sun came out, so I sat on the hammock for a while. Then Bella came out and got on it with me as well. I needed that. It was the most relaxing part of the day - or of the whole week for that matter.

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