Saturday, March 16, 2024

Running Club

Mar 7,

At work they started a running club a few weeks ago and of course I signed up for it. Unfortunately they run at 4:00 pm on Thursdays, which is a terrible time for me because I am always in meetings. But this Thursday I had a meeting cancellation and, miraculously, my calendar remained open. So I was able to go running with them for the very first time. It was supposed to be a 3.1 mile run, but they miscalculated and it ended up being about 2.7. I normally would keep running to get to the 3.1 exactly, but it fell too square to do that when I was with the group - especially on my first appearance. So I stopped at 2.7 and was just grateful that, for once, I was able to walk away from my desk and join the run.

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