Saturday, March 16, 2024

Worcester Academy

Mar 8,

Today, after patiently waiting for about 2 months, we finally got the decision from Worcester Academy. And, luckily for Bella and our family, she was accepted for the next school cycle starting in September. Getting that letter provided major relief, as having another school option is a true lifeline, but Bella still needs to think about it. While she is definitely not thriving where she is at, and it has been a tough year so far, she also knows WA comes with some sacrifices: Financially, logistically, and the work and stress of starting over in a brand new place - with no guarantees it will be a better social environment. Simply put, there is no such thing as a perfect option.  We do have to give WA our final decision by Apr 9, but before then they offer an option to revisit the school - which we will do on Mar 28. Sofia is here from college that week, and I hope she will want to come to the revisit. I feel like Bella would appreciate having her opinion.

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