Saturday, April 20, 2024

Good bye my sweet Zoey

Mar 21,

While I was in Mexico, Lionel told me that Zoey was not doing well. She had several seizures and, unlike the previous ones, these ones seemed to have really mess with her. She was struggling getting up and moving around.

My last day in Mexico he got her another vet appointment and, unfortunately, the vet confirmed it was time to let her go. Lionel called me right as I was boarding my flight back to the US and, being already inside the plane, we couldn't do Facetime and I could not receive text messages with photos either. The call was the only thing that went through. He told me they would have to put her to sleep while I was flying back. Luckily he was not alone, as Bella was with him. They also called Sofia to let her know and fortunately she could do Facetime.

I was so incredibly sad. Sad to be losing my Zoey after 12 years with us. Sad that I couldn't say good bye. Sad that I was not there with and for my family. So while my family was with her, saying a final good bye, I sat there flying back and crying the whole time. 

These are the photos of her last day, her last car ride, her last moments, and a few of the happy moments we lived with her as she dedicated her life to us.

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