Saturday, April 20, 2024


Mar 21,

For the last 3 days I had the opportunity to go back to Mexico, to visit my team, and to bring along with me two co-workers (one of them also a friend). While we went for work, on the way back we spent 1 day in Queretaro, where my sister and I went to school and where Lionel and I got married almost 23 years ago. I was very happy to see Queretaro again, since I always loved the city, excited to show them my country, and even more to see my friend Max - who I had last seen like 3 years ago. 

In Queretaro we stayed at a small luxury hotel called Casa de la Marquesa that I walked by when I was in college but wouldn't have been able to afford back then. I was always curious about it because it seemed so nice, historical, and elegant. 

When we arrived in Queretaro, at about 9:30 am, one of the rooms was ready so we were able to leave our stuff there. We then walked around the downtown before my friend Max, and his wife, picked us up. They took us to a winery, and then to a cool outdoor restaurant that we would have never found on our own. They grow their own vegetables, and had some unique dishes. All day, the weather couldn't have possibly been more perfect. It was a beautiful day and evening.

The following morning we had a couple of hours to take some morning calls from the hotel and walk around before we headed back to the airport. Unfortunately, our almost perfect trip ended on a sad note as I learned that it was time to say good bye to my Zoey.

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