Sunday, June 23, 2024

Newport, RI

Jun 23,

This afternoon Sofifi and I finally made it to Newport together. Since she loves history, I have been wanting for her to see The Breakers. The weather was a bit cloudy but warm. I was going to drive, but she said she wanted to drive instead. 

When we got to Newport we first went to the Ocean drive, mainly because we missed the house, and got out of the car to take a coupe of photos. At The Breakers she went through it a bit faster than I would have hoped for to feel that I got my money's worth, but she said she liked it. And I still think that the balcony, and the grounds, are impressive and the best part of the house. 

After The Breakers we had a quick bite to eat, walked around for a few minutes, and headed back.

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