Sunday, August 22, 2010


Tonight, after the girls went to bed, I decided to go to Wal-Mart. We never got around grocery shopping during the day, so we pretty much had nothing for the week. I have never really been a Wal-Mart shopper, but lately our grocery bills have been so ridiculously high, that I decided to give it a shot. At least for the brands I know are the same, no matter where I go. I also figured the store would be open late.

I was hoping the place would not be empty, as I find empty stores kind of creepy. Turns out, it was not empty at all, but it was a strange visit all the same. I definitely felt out of place. The crowd was much different than me. There were plenty of people with tattoos all over the place, and I swear I saw at least couple of them checking out each other's "designs". One of the girls had a lizard tattooed on her right thigh. I wondered what in the world compelled her to get that. Somebody else had what looked like a name right under her neck. That must have really hurt. I hoped for her sake that was not the name of an old boyfriend. Needless to say, I tried extra hard to stay out of everybody's way.

The name of my cashier was "Fonda". She did not seem particularly "Fond-A" being there. She was upset that she was one of only two cashiers there, while the remaining 20 registers were closed on such a busy day. I can't not say I quite disagreed with her.

After about an hour, I was finally on my way out of there. But just before leaving the store, I looked to my left and saw a bulletin board with several pictures of young faces. They all had the same header: "MISSING"; a mother's worse nightmare. I was happy to get out of there and come home, where my children were safe, sleeping in their beds.

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