Monday, January 17, 2011


This afternoon Sofia and I had an art session while Bella took a nap. We sat at the kitchen table and painted with watercolors which I very much enjoyed, as anything art is definitely "my thing". I love painting, and I am sorry I did not nurture those skills at a much earlier age. But that does not mean I can't have fun with it now. After all, there's no pressure around it, no need to perform.

Before we started, Sofia suggested that everything she painted would be for me and every I painted would be for her. So we wrote each other's names.

I started by painting some fruits, and Sofia followed my lead. She then asked me to draw a vase with flowers, and her standing right next to it. She also made her own version of it.

When we were almost done Bella woke up and  joined the fun. She made one quick drawing, and then we all moved on.
My drawings are on the left, and Fifi's on the right

My drawing in honor of Sofia's first ski lesson

Bella's drawing

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