Saturday, January 15, 2011


On the surface today was a really low key day. After all, my only activities were playing tennis for an hour, going to Target to get couple things, and buying groceries for the week. In reality, this was just one of those days. It is 10:00pm at night, and it's a small miracle I am still awake.

Isabella is sick. The poor thing has a cold and spent all day with a very runny nose. She did not really complain about not feeling well, but barely slept during nap time and spent all day making a mess. She probably pulled every single toy out and spread them all around the house. And given how sick she is, my guess is that the toys were not the only thing she was spreading around.

Sofia, on the other hand, was full of energy from beginning to end. She played, danced, sang, jumped, fought, whined, and constantly demanded my attention from the moment she woke up to the moment she went to bed.

I am not sure which one made me more tired. All I know is that I am ready to go to bed.

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