Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The most disgusting story ever told

If you are not a parent, this posting is not for you.
If you are a parent, but your children are all grown up, this posting is probably not for you.
If you are someone who easily gets grossed out, this posting is most definitely not for you.

If you made it to this point though, you probably think this posting may not cause you any harm. And if that is the case, read on...

The other day, when I picked up Sofia from summer camp, they had gone on a field trip to a large local pool. As usual I asked about her day, to which she answered:

"After we went swimming, when I went to the girls bathroom, guess what I saw?"

"What did you see?", I said, knowing that whatever came next was not going to be good.

"There was poop in the toilet", she said.

"What did you do? Did you leave? Did you flush?", I asked, trying hard not to picture what she had just described.

"Yes, I flushed ... after I pooped too".

"WHAAAAT?!?!? ... You mean that you did NOT flush before?", I said, wondering how in the world would I manage to keep my food down at dinner that night.


"That is disgusting Sofia. You can't do that. You have to flush first, or even better, go to another stall".

"Ok, I will do that next time".

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