Saturday, April 7, 2012

Egg hunt

Today couple friends of mine and I organized a last minute egg hunt for our little ones and a pot luck dinner for all the adults at my house. I was very disappointed that Gabi and Raj didn't show up, because they probably preferred shopping than hanging out with us, but we had a great time. The weather was perfect, the little ones had a blast, and I enjoyed having people over and watching the girls run around with the neighborhood kids. It warms my heart when they are right smack in the middle of the fun, Vs being the odd ones out.

At some point Sofia surprised me when she told me that before everybody left she was going to play one song in the piano for all of them. She doesn't like being the center of attention, so I was happy to see her display that confidence. Later on she forgot all about it while she was running around, and I only remembered once everybody started to leave. But she still played for the neighbors and couple other kids. She was very proud showing her new talent, and I was happy to see her glowing like that.

Even though it was very last minute I think our egg hunt turned out really well. We should definitely do it again.

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