Sunday, April 29, 2012

Elmo Live

Yesterday my mom and I took the girls to Elmo Live since she got four tickets from her work. Sofia is probably a bit older for it now, but she is always happy to come along when it is just us girls. And she really liked couple of the dances, especially one about butterflies. Bella I think liked the whole thing, because she wouldn't take her eyes off the stage and didn't even want to sit on my lap as she usually does when she is scared.

During the break Sofia and I went to get couple drinks, and VERY VERY hesitantly allowed me to take a picture of her with Oscar next to his trash can because  - and I quote - "Mami, that is silly, I am not garbage".

When the show was over I also wanted to take couple pictures of Bella, but they ushered us really quickly out of the place. They said the next show was starting soon. That was too bad, but at least I did get one shot with the three of them.

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