Sunday, May 20, 2012


Gabi and I signed up for a 5K this past Friday night. Since I am not much of a runner and I haven't been working out other than my Saturday cardiotennis class, I told her I would be happy to walk it with her. Still, I decided to try to run some, in preparation for the race, Monday and Wednesday night. So despite the million things I always have to do for work at night, those two days I went to the basement to workout. Even though I really tried, I didn't manage to run for more than 2 and 5 minutes at the time. It was lame, so I reiterated to Gabi that there wouldn't be much running on my part.

Friday night we had beautiful sunny weather. It wasn’t too cold or too hot. I decided to wear one of my tennis outfits, because I don't really have that many shorts and the outfit made me feel good and prepared, since at tennis I do run around. Lionel decided that he also wanted to run, so he came with us and tio Raj stayed with Dieguito and the girls.

Once there Gabi and I decided that we would start the race by running, and that we would stop when we got tired and would then walk the rest of the way. But turns out, we ran non-stop up until the start of the 3rd mile. We got there in 22 minutes, which was not too bad. The 3rd mile was very much uphill, so we walked for a little while. But once it got somewhat flat we started to run again, and ran all the way to the finish line. It took me 35 minutes to get there, so my time wasn't great. But I didn't care about that. I cared that I finished the race, and that I surprised myself.

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